Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thai Coconut Curry + Jasmine Rice

 I am an enthusiast of Thai food. I used to depend on Tom Kha Gai to brighten my every saturday night. And in high school, when I had a multitude of friends that grew up in Thailand, I would dream of traveling to Bangkok and eating the bags of mango sticky rice on the beaches.

In my opinion, Thai cuisine is one of the most difficult to replicate at home. It is not just that the recipes come with a long list of requisite ingredients but that these ingredients are usually impossible to find. From the kaffir lime leaves to the galangal, unless you live next to a fully stocked asian market and don't skip on these ingredients your recipe will most likely end in diseaster.


Tea time in my house is one of the most relaxing moments of the day. Anyone who comes to visit can expect nothing less than a mug of hot goodness and a special something to go with it. One of the major perks of biscotti is that it seems to carry an indefinete expiration date. Truthfully, I've never had biscotti go stale in my house. It has never lasted long enough to find out just how long it would have lasted otherwise. Of course, there are no rules. You could often spot me munching on a biscotto outside of tea time.